A script for my imaginary TED Talk
Good evening everyone. Today I am here to talk about how one single quality has had such an impact on my life. For a person like me who used to be highly disorganized this word has just changed the direction of my life. Perseverance what exactly do these leeters together mean? We all are familiar with it and even sometimes try to fit it somewhere in our day to day conversations but we are unclear of what is the real essence behind is meaning.
Let’s look into the literal sense, perseverance orginally comes from the latin word perseverantia which means to abide by something strictly. For me it actually meant getting strict on myself to achieve my goal. The goal being dealing with procastination.
Perseverance might mean different things for different people. It can mean not giving up for a mountaineer at the same time it can also mean dking something with strong and determined efforts for a student. It is just the way you perceive what you want it to be. The real essence of its meaning might be different for every person in this room.
It can’t be achieved like how Thanos did it i.e.with a snap of a finger, it takes time and patience. Even perseverance comes to those who are persistent and patient. It is that one keyword which delivers us the ingredient needed for success.
Probably the greatest example of perseverance is Abraham Lincoln. Born into poverty, he faced defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, failed miserably twice in business and even suffered a nervous breakdown.
Even he could have quit long time back on his first failure but he didn’t. Because he didn’t quit today he became one of the greatest presidents of history.
You must realize every tough situation that you face, perseverance always prevails. All of us have this key ingredient inside us we just need to tap into it and get clear on our goals. Chase what we want and let it work for us. In my dealing with procastination all that I needed was a I can and I will do this attitude, with this fueled up motivation the perseverance tapped inside me and I succeeded in dealing with procastination easily.
Amongst all of this you should remember not to get confused with endurance and perseverance. Endurance means holding on for as long as you can for various possible reasons. But perseverance is holding yourself up no matter how many difficulties might lie in your way. Perseverance will automatically do the work for you but endurance will need a support from your end as well.
In the end it is all about your mental strength and your strong will which will pave the way for success.
Thank you!