Insights into the Wireless World

Bharvi Dani
4 min readJun 20, 2020


What if someone suddenly told you that you can’t use the internet forever? Or even for one month,a week or a day? These questions if practiced on people for real are sure going to give them a panic attack. Well, we all accept that we can live without internet for one day but surely we can’t live without it forever. So what does this mean?

It means that the internet is a want for most of us and not a need. It is something that we desire to have not something that we can’t live without. And for some it is not even a want. The definations of wants and needs do vary from person to person and in this case they are not the same for everyone.

Is the internet a curse or a boon, is quite a debatable question running around, since its use became popular. The question here is not about internet being a boon or bane but it is about the purpose that it is trying to fulfill.

You might not be reading this right now if it wasn’t for the internet and I am so thankful to it for that. Also if it wasn’t for the internet then there wouldn’t be any social media FOMOs and war of words over some tweet or a simple thing as a post. P.S. in case you didn’t know FOMO means fear of missing out. It is one of the most used internet slangs’.

Internet is not just about being socially active, it is about sharing the information and knowledge that you have with the world and gaining the same from the world. It is a platform for great ideas, knowledge and intelligent discussions. It has even encouraged the dream of ‘Digitalized India' with introducing the people to the concept of online payments and transactions. Internet surely has played a major role in this.There are many examples which support this debatable case of internet from both the sides.

  • The internet has proved to be a boon for the world of education, IT, businesses and government aa well. Imagine if the lockdown had been forced upon in a world of no internet then the biggest blow would be to these above mentioned industries.
  • The internet is a curse for providing a platform to let people argue over little things such as small comment or a tweet. This has led to increasing anger issues among people over minute topics.
  • It has brought about revolutionary changes in the present world. You could try cooking the same curry as your mother over just a video call. It has connected people and brought them closer.
  • At the same time there has been an enormous decrease in phone calls and personal visits. Today on someone’s birthday people have stopped calling, thinking that a text will do just perfectly fine. The essence of human touch and physical presence and contact has been completely lost.
  • In a situation like this COVID pandemic where it becomes impossible to even stand closer internet is quite surely a boon for humans. Yes, sometimes we do crave for human touch but today we are grateful to even have a face to face conversations over the internet with our loved ones.

Well I believe we all are familiar with the advantages and diavantages of such a vast resource that we have been using since ages, and everybody has quite a different view on this subject matter. With resepct to all the opnions that people give it has to be accepted that new advancements in technology evry day make it difficlut for us to not accept internet as a boon. In the coming years it is going to be even more difficult to survive without it. I will not be surprised if in the coming years internet turns out to be a need for our future generations.

Today an eighty year old grandma knows how to operate what’s app with a little bit of someone’s help and even a five year old kid uses the phone smoothly. This the power of technology, or what we call as the internet revolution. In today’s times each and every person’s life revolves around internet which was not the case some ten years back. Probably the Millennials and GenZ were last generations whose baby photos weren’t clicked on phone.This is because internet has become accessible for all. It is becoming more and more user-friendly by each passing day.

It has given everyone a platform to do something as well as sharing that with the whole world. You can always check for an old lady’s motivational quotes on Instagram and you can even watch some cute random baby videos on youtube, and you can always check out on some interesting articles and stories on apps like medium.

Yes there are always two sides of a coin, all these baby videos and social media sharing sometimes if overused or wrongly used gives people anxiety and pressure. The constant need to post something and get millions of likes, shares and reads turns out to be quite frantic if not taken care of. The toxicity on internet is all together a different issue. People often forget that these platforms were designed to bring them closer to the world and not to push it away with all the hatred.

Concluding remarks…

It is a known fact that how the introduction to internet has helped us surpass other nations in terms of productivity and growth. And it is also a known fact that how internet has been a nuisance sometimes with all the negativity that it surrounds itself with. All that being said and done I believe that the correct measurement in which you use the correct dose of internet for your own purpose is what matters.

In the end what maybe the correct dose for me might not be for you. But in the end it should be all dependent upon each individual to decide for herself or himself whether which measuring device to choose. Because I believe that if we are using the internet then we might be responsible enough to do that.



Bharvi Dani
Bharvi Dani

Written by Bharvi Dani

Economics Enthusiast | Also a vivid reader and listener who loves to write.

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