Dreams are made to be followed
Life is meant to be lived
And some things in life are meant to be loved, shared and passed on.
Life itself is a mystery for most of us. No preaching and inspirational talks can tell us truly about life, it can only tell us how to live life meaningfully. It is the way one lives, that matters the most. In order to understand what life is, you need to experience it all by yourself. All of us have our own ways of living life. We all have different aspirations, and different ways to go. What seems to be right for someone might be wrong for someone else.
Some people follow what their heart says and some their minds. The essential wisdom lies in deciding between the two. The search to find your purpose or path in life varies. For some that journey might begin at quite an early stage and for some it might begin even at their old age. Everybody has different realization spots in their lives. You can even restart living your life at the age of sixty and you can even go on searching for the purpose of your life at the age of thirty. In this journey to find your path you will face challenges and difficulties. But no one should be able to tell you that you can’t accomplish anything.
The secret to a purposeful life is your own happiness. There will be instances when you would feel like this is the end but you should never give up. You need to find what makes you happy the most and then chase after your own happiness. It is truly said, ‘ When you really want something to happen the whole universe will conspire to make that thing come true but you just need to find the good and bad omens.’ In today’s world sharing your happiness is fine but letting someone else claim the right to your happiness is not.
You will have so many people that will make you fall in life but only a few who will make you rise up again. Even a Phoenix rises up from the ashes again. Many people may come and go from your life but those who really value you will stay in your life forever. All you need to do is value and respect their presence in your life and be there for them the same way when they were there for you. Sometimes the treasures that you seek somewhere else are found just at your doorstep.
In the end it is all about enjoying the simplicity of life and sometimes surfing through its complexities for a break as well. We all know that life is a mixture of both, it is never proportionate between the two. You should also remember that there lies something good in every difficulty. You always enjoy when the wind blows on your face when you surf above the waves, the same way you should enjoy your difficult times as well so that you can reminisce and learn from them.