The bright star under a dark sky

Bharvi Dani
3 min readJun 3, 2020


What really defines a person? How do we describe someone we just met? All this questions have one answer that is a person’s characterstic or behaviour. Have you ever noticed that while describing someone we often use words which tell us about their behaviour and mannerism instead of particulary sticking to how they look. The same goes for characters like this one. There are only few people in the world who leave their mark. This person was one of them.

Life hadn’t always been fair to Grace. She had been living under existential crisis since ages. The color of her skin had always dominated every conversation that she had with every other person. Instead of describing her with her qualities and behaviour people often described her on the basis of her skin color and texture.

Grace was a person whom you wouldn’t notice if you went past her in a crowd of people. But once you get to know her one would never forget her face.She wasn’t a plastic doll type beautiful but she had the inner glow type beauty. Colorful dresses always dominated her wardorbe. Unlike others she was a very happy morning person and loved to dress up. She was not even exactly very fair or very dark but had her own skin tone which was quite difficult to put in words.

Nonetheless she had always been very happy and chirpy with everyone. Kindness and happiness radiated out of her every single time. But now everything had changed. The happy -go- lucky self was long gone and gloominess surrounded her. She did overcome all of this but what caused this change?

We all know at some point ot time in our life we all become judgemental. We as human beings are not ready to accept a person with his or her flaws. Even if we say that we don’t support racism at some point of time we all might not have done it intentionally but we all have practiced it. We all have judged people. If for once we would have believed and followed the saying, ‘ Not everything that the eyes see is true’ then we would have a more deeper insight on issues like this and support for people like Grace.

Grace had a particular characteristic of not letting people find her most innermost secrets. She always thought people would betray her in the future so it is better to live by herself. No one never knew what was going on her mind. She did have close friends but no best friend. She dreamt of becoming a model but people’s judgemental thoughts pushed her down everytime. She even did one of the T.V commercials but luck was not on her side. Rejections from all sides with only one reason ‘Your skin tone doesn’t match what we are looking for’, made her feel conscious of herself.

With time these judgements engulfed her dreams and aspirations. All these things made her self confidence wounded. The positivity drained from her life. Then one fine day everything changed forever. The died down fire inside Grace needed to be ignited. Her motivation was to be brought back. All of this did happen. The reason was the support of her parents and her so called close friends who now proved to be her best of friends. With time they came to know how these bolted up feelings were eating Grace alive. They motivated her again to live up her dream. With strong determination and courage she started her journey once again. It took some time to cope up with evrything but everything did change for good.

So the life story of Grace has taught all of us one thing for sure. ‘Appreances are deceptive’. Stop judging people for once and for all.

Grace can be one amongst us only, we just need to look for her, support her and stop pitying on her. This is for all the Graces’ out there, ‘We are there for you and with you’.



Bharvi Dani
Bharvi Dani

Written by Bharvi Dani

Economics Enthusiast | Also a vivid reader and listener who loves to write.

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